Sunday 9 August 2015


Our parents deserve our honor and respect for giving us life itself. Beyond this they almost always made countless sacrifices as they cared for and nurtured us through our infancy and childhood, provided us with the necessities of life, and nursed us through physical illnesses and the emotional stresses of growing up.

My childhood, I wouldn't say it was bad. It helped me grow up. I stayed out of trouble. My mother taught me what's wrong and right, and knowing that I had elder brothers, I had to make sure I was doing the right thing so they knows what's right, too. When i gained admission into the Higher Institution, my mama always called to know how am coping with studies and all. Those moments were moments i always complained of my mother caring attitude, because i think am old enough to take care of my self.

What i want us to derive from this, is that our parents should be our pride, lets learn to forgive and work on their mistakes. it takes two wings for a bird to fly, it takes a happy family the joy of moving on with any challenges.
According to Saint Ambrose, "A good youth ought to have a fear of God, to be subject to his parents, to give honor to his elders, to preserve his purity; he ought not to despise humility, but should love forbearance and modesty. All these are an ornament to youthful years".
So making our parents happy should not be too much for us to handle.

All religions and all societies have given parents an honorable status. It is a pity that some people may not attain Paradise, on account of not serving their old parents.”

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