Wednesday 5 August 2015


Hmmmmmmmmm.... Thinking of what to do when you love two women at the same time.
If psychologists could define love, they’d be far ahead of every poet, playwright, and songwriter who’s ever tried to put this elusive feeling into words. Love mostly provides pleasure, but as many of us know, that pleasure can come with a heavy price.

Okay, through a lot of reasearches and reply from friends and family, i have being able to gather some facts that a guy can actually love two woman at the same time due to the value the ladies possess, but these days guys actually take this as fun and nothing more.

But from serious minded individual view who really understood the concept of love and sincerity, they didn't agree on why a guy should love two at a time but that one is love while the other is lust

Now, below are the things you need to do, so that you will not end up loosing the two:
 Analyze your relationship with both women. What do you actually want from each of the women? Just a physical relation? Marriage? A fun time? Soul mate? This is a very important decision, or you'll be stuck with something you don't want. 
What does one woman offer that the other one doesn't? Which one do you enjoy being with more? Who do you have better conversations with? Who do you have the most fun with? Who do you try new things with? Answer all of these questions before moving on.  
Make a table with one column for each woman, and list as many good qualities as you can think of. The one who has the longest list is probably the best one for you, but if you're still not sure, keep reading. 
Locate any qualities that both women share, and cross them off the list. You are now left with a list of unique qualities that each woman has. Review these qualities and compare which ones you like best. The woman with the most and best unique qualities is most likely the one you should choose. Also if you want list the bad qualities and the one with the least bad qualities is also most likely the one you should choose.  
Once you make your decision, be direct about it, and don't waste time worrying about your decision. Do not flip flop between the women. Women love it when you're direct. Women love actions. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Figure out where she is one night and surprise her. Go up to her and just tell her, "I can't bear to be without you." She'll melt. They go for that stuff, once in a while. 
Also consider the following tips to help you choose wisely.
  • Consider your decision carefully, make sure you don't rush to your decision.
  • Pick the one you feel more comfortable around.
  • Be ready to live with your decision, if you choose one, you probably will never get the chance to go out with the other if you chose wrong. Think long and hard.
  • Don't choose both girls. You will become entangled.
  • If you aren't satisfied with the steps above, pick whichever girl you have the most in common with.
  • Let the other girl down easy. Talk to her and explain the predicament. The worst thing you can do is ignore her or bottle the feelings.
  • If you've chosen already and believe you have chosen wrongly, go back and fix your mistakes. It'll take some time and some bonding, but you'll be better for it.
  • Not all girls are the same, some may fall for stupid silly tricks, some may not.
  • When you go to sleep, think of them and try to remember them smiling. Choose the one you were thinking of before you fell asleep. If you cant remember just try again.
  • You should choose the girl that will make you feel better in the long run.
 I hope this help... thanks for reading

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