Saturday 8 August 2015

Caitlyn Jenner formerly Bruce Jenner addresses If She'll Date Men Or Not

Since she revealed her transition, Cailtyn Jenner has maintained that she's only been interested in women. Until now. In a preview of Sunday night's episode of I Am Cait, her crew of girlfriends push Caitlyn to have a talk in which she dances around the question of sex.
When one of the ladies says she knows Cait has said she's only attracted to women, Cait makes a subtle – but notable – correction. "I've only been with women," she responds.
Trying to deflect, Cait says, "I have bigger things than an orgasm to worry about." But when the girls do a show of hands for who is more attracted to men than women, Cait says she doesn't know. And in an interview clip she says she really, really doesn't know who she's going to date. Not exactly clarity, but Cait is figuring it out as she goes.

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