Friday 31 July 2015


1. Take care of what you have. There is no point in fretting about the fact that you aren't three inches taller, or that your eyes are green and not blue, like you might wish. You need to work with what you have.
2. Washing once a day is essential. Your face needs to be washed and moisturized once in the morning, and then again in the evening before you go to sleep. Shower often, and remember to shave your legs and under your arms. Be sure to keep a washcloth, body towel, and a floor towel. Make sure you keep your floor towel straight on the floor, and body towel near by, and absolutely keep your washcloth in the shower, then take all 3 out when you are done.
3. Your hair must be well maintained and kept healthy; you should not dye it an unnatural color. If you do decide to dye your hair, never let your roots show. Whatever hairstyle you wear must be neat, clean, and appropriate for the occasion (i.e. hair in an elastic band for gym is more comfortable, but an updo would be more appropriate for a formal.) You do not need to curl or straighten your hair, although you can if you want to. Its important to wash your hair regularly or it can get greasy which is not a good look!
4. Perfume should be carefully chosen; a classic lighter scent should be worn every day; something heavier for going out, but remember to never wear anything that you feel you don't have the confidence to pull off.
5. Eyebrows are a very expressive feature of your face, and should be well maintained. However, over-plucking is not necessary or advised. Your teeth are also very important and often neglected; be sure to brush and floss them at least twice a day. Using mouthwash is also quite effective.
6. If you have fair skin, you might want to use sunscreen and preserve your own kind of beauty. Tanning is not only unhealthy, but it can look bad when it starts to peel.
7. For those who are olive skinned and can achieve a tan after some time in sun, be cautious, unsightly tan lines are almost as bad as a sunburn, and should be avoided. Know what looks best on you. This can be anything from colors to textures of fabric that look stunning on you. Wear clothing appropriate for the occasion. Don't wear anything that isn't clean or neat, that doesn't go well with another piece of clothing you are wearing, or that is excessively embellished. When buying clothes, look for quality. You should also have your own personal style. Don't wear clothing just to be popular, or to fit into a social norm.
8. If people say you slouch or walk like an old lady, try walking around your house with a book or two on your head to help boost up your posture and straighten up your back. Yoga can also help with any posture problems. It's not only a no-no of good etiquette - slouching can lead to back problems.
9. A lady never scratches or burps. You never scratch, just rub. And if you're going to burp then either try to hold it in or do it quietly because a lot of people think it's disgusting. As for sweating? People sweat. It's human nature, it can't be controlled. But you might want to carry some body spray, deodorant or perfume so you can get rid of unpleasant odors after exercising. Nobody wants to be close to someone who smells like sweat, no matter if they're a boy or a girl!
10. Remember that knowledge is power. A proper young lady needs to be well read. Jane Austen, George Orwell, Shakespeare, Bronte, Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Henry James, and Virginia Woolf are all good examples of people you should read. Some of the classics can be a trying read, but you must get through them. There are websites with abundant notes on all of these books, so, even if you do not understand them, in time you will.

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