Friday 31 July 2015


Not sure what those glances, smiles and looks from the girl you fancy might mean? Hoping you have a secret admirer? Follow these steps to find out if the girl you have your heart set on really likes you.

  • Be bold and initiate a short chat. This will help you to learn those little things that will come in handy later because everyone loves knowing that someone actually listened to them and cared enough to remember the small details about them. Listen carefully and be attentive to the things she tells you so that you will have them for future reference. As you talk, notice if she gives you any signs, special words or hints.

  • All girls are different. Is she shy or outgoing? Does she act like this around other guys? Look at her body language. Leaning in, uncrossed legs, nervous voice, and dilated pupils (especially), are all signs she likes you.

  • Another sign is if she laughs at your boring, stupid jokes. (Beware: Don't use bad jokes as a test, or you'll risk looking like a comedy dork.)

  • She may not be able to look you straight in the eye. She might smile and laugh a lot because she is worried about giving too much away.

  • Check for the smile. A girl that's interested in you will usually immediately smile when you start a conversation with her. The smile may disappear quickly if she's shy, but it's hard to hide an unexpected strong emotion. If she's not romantically interested, she'll likely look at you inquisitively, but she won't express any particular interest.

 Notice the little things she does for you. If she's always there for you when you need help, even like when you mention that you're really thirsty and she quickly offers you a sip from her drink, she might like you. But don't assume that she's into you only from one experience. Ask her occasionally for small things, like chewing gum or a pen, and notice how she reacts. If she's always ready to offer you something you might need, go further and ask her to help you with something else, like a school, college or work problem. It shouldn't be something really easy to solve, but not too difficult either, as some girls might say that they don't know how to help you with a more challenging problem. If she's eager to help you, she probably likes you, although if you use this approach too much or choose tasks that seem too difficult, she may think you're lazy, testing her or even a bit of a nuisance. Don't overdo it; you don't want to risk her ceasing to like you. 


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