Thursday 25 August 2016


The Students' Union writes to formally inform all the aspirant that the post screening exercise registration has commence*
It has been declared that the University of Ilorin pre-admission screening exercise for the 2016/2017 candidates has begun. However, it is no news that the institute of learning has a reputation for high standard of discipline. As a result, the Students' Union of the university hereby wishes to use this opportunity to strongly advise the candidates to abstain from any form of indecorousness which could deny them access to be screened, and consequently make them to lose admittance into the Better-by-Far . Therefore, all the candidates are urged to be in decent apparel, to be punctual and to be obedient to the rules and regulations of the screening exercise. In conclusion, the above-mentioned union would like to extend its warm wishes to all the candidates by bidding them success in the endeavour. To register please visit From the desk of the Students' Union of the university of Ilorin. Signed; Shobowale Lukman Olawale aka Eminent Students' Union, President, University of Ilorin Omotosho Ahmed Damilare aka YAyi Students' Union, Public Relations Officer, University of Ilorin

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